
I'm Gina.

I'm Gina Moore. I am a lifestyle and family portrait photographer based in San Diego. I have an art education background from Florida State and I love blending my passion for creativity and capturing family memories. My husband and 3 kids (2 girls, 1 boy) are the light of my life. Can't forget our English Cream, Ravioli Cannoli. I'm a foodie and cookbook collector. I treasure watching the sunsets in our little slice of heaven, Cardiff-by-the-Sea.

A little more...

I've always had a passion for capturing memories- whether that be with my old digital camera in college (and uploading 193 photos to a Facebook album), making home videos of our trips and holidays, and being the "Mamarazzi" for the preschool class. My goal with photography is to capture that feeling of freezing a moment in time to be shared and re-lived over and over again.

10 minutes is all it takes.

Perfect for everyone and every occasion. Dress up or don’t. Wear your favorite dinosaur shirt. Document the milestones. The new baby. The new kindergartener. The new grad. The new outfit. The soccer star. The sweet grandparents. The best friends.

Capture moments in time that you can print out and display in your house. Don't let this fleeting time live in your phone.